Posted in Book Review, Realistic Fiction, Satire

A Satirical Masterpiece – Encounter With The Netanyahus –

Genre: Satire/ Humorous fiction

In this brilliant book, author Joshua Collins cleverly blends reality with fiction with an ample dose of humor.  A relatively minor incident in the lives of Netanyahu family is the central theme of this comic novel.

This 2022 Pulitzer Prize winner published in 2021, won the National Jewish Award for fiction in the very same year. 

This is the story of the father of Benjamin Netanyahu, the longest-serving Prime Minister of Israel.  Dr. Ruben Blum is an American history professor, and his love for history can be summed up in his own words: “I live as a historian, and when I die, I will be history.” He is of Jewish origin and teaches American history at the fictional Corbyn College. Blum takes pride in his American upbringing and his knowledge of American history. 

In this breezy book, he narrates how his very ordinary, bordering-to-boring life is turned upside down while trying to fulfill a responsibility entrusted to him by his college authorities. He is asked to take up the responsibility of hiring an exiled historian, a fellow Jew, Benzion Netanyahu, who specializes in European History. 

Blum’s rich mom-in-law warns him that Benzion Netanyahu will be bad news for him either way. If he recommends him, it will sound clannish, and he could lose his status as the only Jewish professor.  If he doesn’t, he would be ridiculed for not accepting a fellow Jew. 

The professor even receives an anonymous letter with a request not to accept the Jewish professor for his right-wing Zionist views.

One dinner invitation is all it takes for the Blums to lose their identity in their own house.  Netanyahus – the rattled wife and the rambunctious children – ransack their home and their senses. 

The final nail in the coffin is laid when the Blums get back home after attending Netanyahu’s lecture and are taken aback by the children’s behavior. The Blums don’t hesitate to throw the boys out of their home during that cold, snowy night. 

In the very interesting “Credits and Extra Credit” afterword section, the author admits relying mostly on his own experiences with the Netanyahus – a sort of reality depiction.

All three sons of Benzion Netanyahu later joined the Israeli military and became immensely efficient in their chosen fields. Elder son Yonatan’s reputation goes global after he saves their hijacked plane from terrorists with all except one alive in a daring counter-terrorism attack in Entebbe, Uganda in 1976. Yonatan himself loses his life in this most spoken-about commando operation.

His younger brother Benjamin Netanyahu is the longest-serving Prime Minister of Israel. Both these brothers’ courage and conviction are stuff that folklores are made of.

Their youngest brother Iddo Netanyahu is an author and playwright who made the US his home. Their father Benzion Netanyahu died at the ripe old age of 103 after an eventful life, including teaching history at Cornell University.

 What I like about the book: The author turns this fiction with glimpses of reality into a hilarious comedy.

Readers’ empathy is with Professor Blum and his family all the way for the predicament they are in. Their only fault is that they try to be good hosts. In spite of that, the author explains the whole situation in an easy-going, lighthearted way, bringing a smile on readers’ lips. When Mrs. Netanyahu senior decides to treat Mrs. Blum’s wardrobe as her own, I’m in total shock, and totally empathize with Mrs. Blum who is outwitted in her own home by a stranger.

A family of ill-tempered parents and unruly kids turning new leaves in their lives is truly inspiring. This minor episode could have had the least effect on the lives of the famous Netanyahu family, and it proves the famous quote: “Never judge a book by its cover.”

Takeaway: When situations go beyond one’s control, stop worrying; try to laugh about it; also, learn to laugh at oneself.